4 years ago


Sonic before the sequel lets play

Meant for my channel's first birthday

But i uploaded it pretty early

This is my first time recording on a computer and making a video on a computer. So it maybe a bit hard to hear me


And so you wont be able to hear everything im saying correctly



Next up

Wip of Classicwhite redesign

Found another open stronghold yesterday.... It took awhile for me to find it, I will leak the seed later.


(Workin' on something)

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

Deciding Paths (Super Mario Maker 2)

Level ID: RS5-6H5-HQF

Last level I would make at the moment probably. My switch online subscription could run out.

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

Sonic 33rd Anniversary!!!

Yeah, I know, not many characters as last time but the Sonic X Shadow Generations has been the main highlight of this year for Sonic The Hedgehog and I didn't have much else. And Sonic Movie 3, which also is Shadow based.

How did I find some at Y level 14?

quick pixels 2 - sonic the hedgehog

: Aseprite