2 years ago


Transformers: Rise of the Beast

Full Movie Now Available!

变形金刚 | Great war of Optimus Prime vs Jaeger Gipsy | Future Technology VFX
#hospital_escape_3d 变形金刚 | Great war of Optimus Prime vs Jaeger Gipsy | Future Technology VFX#transformers #optimusprime #bumblebee #电影解说 #动画 #变形金刚 #futurete...

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Next up

Happy New Years everyone! Last year was great year for sega with a hella lot of surprises. Ya'll Virtua Fighter Fans finally getting a new game after a decade. Jet Set Radio, Street of Rages, Shinobi , Golden Axe, Crazy Taxi etc. We gonna be eating good!

Game dev is fun

The Sequel

To everyone in the community

Don't steal art! Makes my life easier!

#spawnday @Alextomilk @XxReytheGoldenRetreiver98xX

Pride is defined as an excessive love of one's own excellence

Colored Goku Sketches

Also did a Majin Bra Sketch aswell.

Don't lose yourself along the journey

Random tier list of fighting games I've played based on how much fun I had.

Just got reminded of this project, gonna keep the page up so I can one day come back to this.

"Change the way you see things and the things you see will change" - Wayne Dyer

If the leaks are true the price of the original game will probably sky rocket. I don't want ya'll to be stuck in a P3R situation so if you are looking to play the original Sonic Heroes get it now! Also got another announcement.