It is now more than 3 years that we are in the development of video games and almost 3 years that our first Black Evil game is released. Since that day, we have come a long way and we have learned a lot of things and one of the things that makes us most happy is to see gamers publish their reactions to our games, whether good or bad ! We watched them so many times and, till this day, it's a real pleasure for us to see again these old videos ! So therefore we absolutely wanted to make a compilation of your best reactions ! In this video, you will see youtuber such as @MichaelBlighe @Trickster512
and more !
Please support them cause they bring such an amazing work to their channel ! We hope you enjoy it and don’t have any problem with the fact that we have reused your videos, we really love doing this and we intend to do even more for our newest and upcoming games! Thank you for your attention and take care of you and your loved ones in these difficult days !