4 years ago


Dark Deception chapter 4 teaser 02 analysis


Okay, so Glowsticks kept their promisse, and released the second teaser after q&a (On march 30)

But as I expected, this one didn`t show anything, except a couple of locations that we`ve already seen on screenshots.

Two parts of a cave, Joy Joy land and the underground facility.

One interesting part, is that in a facility part, everything collapses and a timer can be seen.

I 100% bet this is a "Self destruct" sequnce, when you need to escape the facility, and the building in total for 4-5 minutes.

In the end, we hear Joy Joy gang laughing. That`s it.

Well, I hope that if Glowsticks released this teaser in time, than we might probably get final teaser on the first week of april.

Many people think this will be an april fools video, but knowing the position on which devs currently stand, and that april fools are already over, they can`t make it a joke.

But remember that Vince`s ultimate ability are delays, so



Next up

[Blender/Tjoc] Endo B "Angel' custom night icon

[Blender/Fnaf] Glamrock foxy custom night icon

[Blender/Fnaf] Glamrock endo custom night icon

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