Passive Iceman skills:
- Full immunity to freezing attacks (cannot be frozen, does not take damage)
- Absolute Zero - recharges part of the power when hit by freezing attacks
- Ice Pick - High resistance (75%) to cutting attacks
- Ice armor - 25% increased resistance to all types of attacks, except flaming.
- Knockdown resistance - Resistant to the first attack that knocks a character down (some attacks still drop him on the first hit)
- Pyrophobia - 45% more damage when receiving fire attacks.
⚠️ ⚠️ Also, showing a very important change on the game: ⚠️⚠️
Now your power meter does not recover on its own over time, which directly affects the difficulty of the game.
Ways to recover your power:
- When hitting an enemy with any normal hit * - all
- When hit by enemies * - all
- Power items (blue or yellow crystal) - all
- When hit by certain types of attacks (only a few, such as Iron Man against electrical attacks)
- When using the CHARGE command (hold jump + special, just a few)
* the amount of power recharged varies from character to character.
4 years ago
Here is an Iceman full stage gameplay recorded by Psykai, showing his special moves, combos and such:
Next up
Batman destroys the Joker
Andore's moves
Abigail Brand Complete Mode Full Run 1CC
Language settings: Brazillian Portuguese added
This sould be considered bullying, lol
from PsykaiVA evil mind :)
Current Status - Avengers United Battle Force
Thunderbolts gameplay
Colossus all moves - Avengers United Battle Force
Select Animations - Avengers United Battle Force
Hmm, Mister Sinister... what connection will he have with the story of Pocket Dimensional Clash 2?