[Kickstarter and Demo]
At either near the end of Q1 or early into Q2, we plan to launch our Kickstarter Campaign! This will be for a modest monetary goal with the intention of funding Servers and full time development for a good portion of time. We also plan to have a Playable Demo to launch with our Kickstarter. This Demo will consist of the first few hours of gameplay and will be live, meaning you'll be able to play New Eden in full with other players! In addition to this Demo, we also plan on hosting a few more events in the vein of the Tourneys we've been testing the game with! We hope to see you all there for the Demo launching alongside our Kickstarter!
[New Years Tourney Preliminaries Round 2]
As previously mentioned, we plan on having a Round 2 for our New Years Tourney! This is meant for all Contestants that weren't able to make the first Round! The winners of Round 2 will compete with the winners of Round 1 for the grand $50 prize in a final Round 3! Dates and times are still To Be Announced, but we hope to see you all there! In case you didn't check out the first Round, take a look at the matches here:
[Launch Plans]
Currently the plan for New Eden is to launch this year! We plan to launch with enough content to satisfy even the most efficient of adventurers for tens of hours. Though things can and may change, we plan on Launching with Servers located all around the world, letting all who wish to to experience the game with the best possible connection quality. At some point closer to this Launch window, we'll be announcing Server locations, giving you all ample notice of what server might be best for you! Before we get to Launch, however, there's the little matter of the Closed Alpha!
The current plan is to have a Closed Alpha available some time before official Launch. This Alpha will be available to those in our Community Discord, with a cutoff date coming up before too long. We hope to take advantage of this Closed Alpha to give the game the final round of Polish we think it might need before opening the flood-gates to the world. It is currently unclear if we will be keeping accounts made in the Closed Alpha, so do keep that in mind for the future. We hope to see you all there!
This year we plan to host more events! These will range from fun spin-off events like a slick Team Based PvP Hockey Game, to more conventional test concepts such as letting you lot face off against some of our Bosses! We're super stoked for these events, and cannot wait to see you all participate! If you have any neat concepts for some future events, please let us know in the #feedback section!
While we really want to nail our Launch window for 2020, we also want to have a solid foundation of content to release in a very fun way. Currently we plan to release these updates Monthly in "expansion" styled patches. These updates will include new Campaign missions, new dungeons, new weapon types, new techniques, new pets, new mounts, new systems, new regions, new you name it! We hope to deliver the sense of an ever-expanding world while keeping the magic of Exploration alive, and we can't wait to have you all along for the ride with us!
"Once again, thank you all so much for reading! We hope you're all as excited as we are for the ahead, and we hope to see you all in Estaria!"