How to make Bloody Nights not scary! Very well made video i advice you to watch! ( ̄︶ ̄)↗
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The Return to Bloody Nights VR - Fan Artwork Contest! Send us your fanart and we will put it in our game!
The Bite of 87 was caused by Foxy. Im glad to know that and can happily live without questioning it again.
The Return to Bloody Nights VR OST- Casual Trumpets Theme (wip)
Keep on walking.
1 Year Anniversary - The Return to Bloody Nights Some information about planned and scrapped content and ideas. Self reflection.
Who the hell is this guy?
As a young & dedicated developer, I'm committed to growth and improvement. Original was a pretty good game but we want more. Please share your feedback on the original TRTBN and your suggestions for enhancements in the upcoming VR remake.
Bonnie in the closet room. Wip
Public Response to Community Concerns - TRTBN Classic Updates, Upcoming TRTBN VR and Personal Life (A MUST READ)