RUS: Из-за большой угрозы блокировки моего канала, я сделал "зеркало" моего канала. и туда загрузил видео.
ENG: Due to the great threat of blocking my channel, I made a "mirror" of my channel and uploaded a video there.
RUS: Из-за большой угрозы блокировки моего канала, я сделал "зеркало" моего канала. и туда загрузил видео.
ENG: Due to the great threat of blocking my channel, I made a "mirror" of my channel and uploaded a video there.
Character upgrade! The Catalyst Susie, Enchanted edition
The Catalyst Toriel Enchanted Version
The Catalyst Asriel Enchanted Version
Small hitches with the second episode!
Read article:
The Evil Horror: The Catalyst 1.2.0 = Enchanted Update (Read Article ENG/RUS)
Art and fan art competition for Episode 3!
Read Article(ENG and RUS)
The Catalyst Mettaton Enchanted Version
Character upgrade! The Catalyst Ralsei and The Catalyst Susie(Fix Rig)
The second episode is completely over! Read Article!
Looking for voice actors for English localization. Artem, Rita, Alice and other characters!
Read Article!