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There was supposed to be an VHS inside the original FNAF Plus game.
((Of course, VHS will be present in the FNAF reboot edition game.))
MR.BOOMBASTIC posted a photo showing the free roam alternative that will be present in the new version of the game FNAF reboot edition
Whimsical_Wan posted a photo showing Chica staring at the camera.
((I think Chica is in the hallway on the right or in the bathroom of the game in this photo, staring at the camera.))
We haven't reached 300 yet but I couldn't wait to post this, so here it is!
Remembering that all models will be in a model pack as soon as the game comes out!!
A photo was released from the game FNAF Reloaded showing a page, and this page may be in the game's tasks section or early in the game.
FredTime+ Christmas Teaser!
MR.BOOMBASTIC added 5 stars to his game
Photos of the entrance or exit door of the FNAF rec game have been released
Finally, photos of the FreddTime Plus game have been released, showing that the game is painted or designed.