Next up
It's not over yet.
Initiating... "2.0"
I just found some old pictures of this "Bear" character (Left) and the old version of Image The Rabbit (Right). After seeing these, I might go back to drawing/sketching again. That'll be an experience!
Here's the full picture of Mad-Man. He's pretty beautiful.
Another Small Update
I remade the One Little Habit (legacy version) logo! The Old Logo is on the Left, and the New Logo is on the right! (unless you're on a computer. Then the old one is on the upper side, and new one is on the lower side)
After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!
Got bored
And so the story continues...
HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY TRTF 2! A 2-Night demo is out now, nothing much
Official Title Screen