Five Nights at Fredbears 3 FREE ROAM REMASTER
11 days ago

Here is the update on what I did for the last 3 days. Enjoy It. Should give more insight into things.

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Happy birthday FNAF! I apologize for being inactive. I have alot to explain. I've been really busy. I am gonna try and get back to work on the game this month. I apologize that things have been so quiet this year. I've been going through alot.

So The benefit of having over thousands of dollars worth of dinosaur models is that Adding them to the game takes barley any effort as all the work was already done. Animatronic Ceratosaurus is happy to become the 2nd phase boss fight for umbra XD

I can confirm The nightbonnie and night bear are returning to Fredbear's 3 They will be some of the hardest animatronics, As they are dismantled.


Its snowing and I am playing FNAF 2, Feels like 2014 again!

Rat Race Production Update

Megalodon boss fight is now being worked on!

Sniper Amargasaurus, As I originally intended the battle wagon amarga to function. with riding banished snipers

I finally beat this fucking Night after 2 hours