Hey everyone,
havent made a New update in a while, huh? and as you can see from the title,this update is a bad news update….
So,whats going on?? Well,im giving this game and my other game a hiatus till spring 2016. Why am i doing this?. Well its because this game and my other are frustrating to work with,im just…I don’t know how to explain it…I guess im not having Fun creating my 2 games….I really wanted to work on this game alot! But i just lost the fun with creating it…Maybe by christmas ill have something for this game,teaser trailer? Demo? QnA? Options to help with work with the game? I dunno
So,i dont care if you unfollow,or call me a slacker or anything like that,i just want to work on something else then this game and my other…
Speaking of working on something else,im creating a game [[A orignal game]] to help me get rid of the stress,I won’t give the name out or details about it but i will post the link to it here in a bit!
Have an amazing day! ~Jason