a little while ago, i talked about how @Fuzzy_lol supposedly commented unalive. Well as it turned out, im guessing he didn't do that and hes alive and well(from what ive seen) so go give him some support.

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you guys really like that idea šŸ’€





(maybe after Samhainophobia)

i swear if you have an actually online family,

how about you go get a real family instead

imagen if i made a horror game that i only sent to certain people that were streaming

My TJOC model pack is now officially released! (Read below for tips BEFORE you download them)

if i had to describe someone as 2017x it would be this guy

10 Years at Treasure Island

8 more till 50 follower chat(lets try to reach 80 to or 70 followers by the end of the year chat)

A Very special birthday shoutout to the one and only @Malrat_

the man is starving