april 23rd: all of the accounts listed down below are deleted now, which is kind of a shame
as if they're trying to convey a message...
or perhaps it's just a funny troll
i don't know, but this fascinate me a little
the fact that three accounts, with three random alphanumeric username, no post and the creation month of each account matching each other (november 2023) really adds into the mix
537 and 14e has the same date, being november 25th, meanwhile e06 is made in november 28th
i am not saying that they are creeping me out, i just find them fascinating haha, as if we're being tasked to participate in a hidden ARG
actually that would be cool as well don't you think
let me know if you know anything or has any similar experience!
known accounts so far:
@537 (november 25th, 2023)
@14e (november 25th, 2023)
@e06 (november 28th, 2023)
@ef7 (november 28th, 2023)
@69c (november 28th, 2023)
@a8f (november 28th, 2023)
more digits! i don't know if they're related but we'll see:
@7504 (november 28th, 2023)
@ac31 (november 28th, 2023)