Hi everyone!
Hypersphere v0.1.1 Alpha has been completed and uploaded and it brings lots of bugfixes!
I’m also uploading the Mac and Linux versions of the game, that are a pure porting of the Win32 version so there aren’t differences between the different versions!
In the while here’s a changelog of what v0.1.1 changes:
Removed that ‘click’ sound
Made the game generally faster
Fixed some audio bugs
Added a cool flash effect to the sphere to advertise the player a bullet is coming
Changed bullets’ design in order to make them more visible
Made the grid more visible
Tweaked some texts just like the ‘time’ one
Fixed some waits and loadings to make all faster
I also wrote and uploaded a PDF Readme File containing all the game informations, requirements and also some suggests to play better!
No more bugfixes for v0.1: I’m already working on v0.2 containing lots of new stuff that will make the game funnier!