Apologies for the dead silence for a while, we've been cooking alot in the shadows.
Anyways, hello and welcome to the first HYPOCRISY update!
Phase 1.
This is our main focus right now, so you can imagine I've been cooking like a wildfire for it! Here's the current completion level:
Attacks: 30% done.
Dialogue: 70% done.
Music: 100% done.
Sprites: 80% done.
Overall, Phase 1 is only 40% done right now. You can see the current progress so far right here: https://youtu.be/KKh2_VquJeI
If you think something's different with Homicidal, you're absolutely correct! I went ahead and updated it, and you can listen to it very soon.
Phase 2.
We don't have any progress on Phase 2 except for the music. Hear it here: https://soundcloud.com/dylan-viperx2/dustswap-hypocrisy-phase-2
Phase 3.
Phase 4.
I apologize for the short devlog, but we really don't have much for right now.
For right now, just stay tuned until the next post! I promise we'll have more in store for you all. <3