komba Switch [devlog]

1 year ago

I admit that the original mechanics were boring, so I decided to make it possible to change the player's position.

(The same thing happens to me every morning)



Next up

day9 - Shopping system. You can now activate other features related to improvements.

for example, bonus points for completing one game.

Obviously, each subsequent round will improve the AI's capabilities and train it in other capabilities.

It's time to make the bed

/ Fentanyl

3D - Tower

day7 - I connected the gamejoil API to the game. now you can receive feedback from gamejoil.

Added the ability to replace all objects with real ones, so that it is possible to change .

So, I started making the game again to release a pre-release version of the game today.

day8 - dark side Added the ability to change the theme of the game.

Start the engine

I thought about the project and came to the conclusion that my game could be compressed and stuffed into a QR code. This is the future and we need to make projects more convenient for use in public space!