No, I’m not done with the game. As I’ve said, the game is not cancelled and it never will be.
I mean, I’m done with the stupid “character” in rooms thing.
Seriously. ANYTHING I’ve done. No matter WHAT I’ve tried. NOTHING has fixed this problem.
So I’ve just straight up through the towel in, (or in this case Molly’s shirt) and I’m just not going to fix the bug and I’m going to move onto Night 3. It’s been eluding me ever since I started working on the Gamma. I’ve been foreseeing having problems with it ever since I started working with Clickteam.
Now, if you’ve played One Night at Flumpty’s and/or Five Nights at Sonic’s, you would know that characters are often seen in the same rooms as each other. Heck, even RickyG’s games had that. Those games were made in Game Maker: Studio, which as you know was the engine I originally planned to make FNaSh / ShNoM in. I also did this because I thought you had to do 2D art in GME and 3D art in CF. But then I heard that wasn’t the case.
But in the end I decided to use Clickteam because I figured there would be less bugs to fix, and boy was I right. Except this bug, which I just can’t fix for some reason.
So unless someone’s willing to help out, I’m not going to fix this bug. It’s really just an unfortunate fact of life guys. But you’re not really required to look at Jake and Dylan when they’re in Cam 1 so it shouldn’t be a problem.
The only time it will be a problem is when Molly and Dylan are in Cam 12 at the same time.