Jake Polar – ???
Rajah the Lynx – ???
Tessa the Hare – ???
Burned Ray the Puppet Chef – ???
??? – ???
??? – ???
Jake Polar – ???
Rajah the Lynx – ???
Tessa the Hare – ???
Burned Ray the Puppet Chef – ???
??? – ???
??? – ???
Managed to redesign the whole thumbnail and added afew details to it.
Ladies & gentlemen, we have officially reached to 800 views! :D
Made this office (I only did this for fun, because he's game looked interesting) fan art office for @doyouwannahaveabadtimefool (I'm sorry if I didn't do this good with the office, because the heads and decorations stuff.) But ya hope you like it!
Hey @Dis_Pop I may found a bug when you enter to night 3, and fading in to your room he keeps appearing in the room every single time when you enter to the room
Rat Race Production Update
SHOUT to @FemaleFox1987! ^^
HELP NEEEDED! And Voice Actors Needed!
I need voice actors for my game especially the females one too! Be sure to friend me and dm me or maybe leave an comment about voice acting. Let me all know if you all like to try it out!
Be sure to follow, @team-darkness-and-team-gems. He really makes very amazing art, and I think he deserved alot of followers