I'm not gonna like force them to be in it because I mean... yeah.. but anyway just wanted to update you guys on that.
I am so sorry guys.. but this game(#BonnieboisPizza) has been CANCELED... I am going to make a new game with the same people but replaceing Bonnie Boi with either @m0th or @CarrotOnCanvas or both... if they want to..
Next up
... I have nothing to say
Make sure to vote!
what it was supposed to look like and what it became
Here is a pic of a game I started on a while ago and am bringing back.
There was only one vote... but anyway, since the 1 person voted for that I need to change my G.J. name, and I'm going to let you guys decide what you want it to be.
The fuck guys? Oh... wait... now I get it.
I coded a trailer for a game I'm making and it works besides the fact the sound doesn't. Since most of you guys are probably better coders than me, do you guys know what's wrong?
hahahaha jokes on you! I'm on my bed!
Why dis no work? it's been a day... it said it would only take 2 and a half hours
Here are my drawings of Evan and Connor from Dear Evan Hansen. I don't have the best painter program so I couldn't add a lot of detail. But, I hope you like it!