I was trying to make Mediocrity Ending in FFPS. (You get this ending when you did all 6 days without doing absolutely nothing)
On my first try I manage to get Bankruptcy (You get negative money) WITHOUT GETTING ANYTHING TO GET RISK BIGGER THAN 3 (default risk you get on the start of the game) AND I GOT THREE LAWSUITS

And on my second try SOMEHOW SCRAP BABY ENTER BECAUSE OF RISK VALUE SHE HAD 24% TO DO SO (also she is my fav from Scraps so it was like 6% she was her getting inside by doing nothing)
Can Someone please tell me how Lucky of Unlucky I am? XD
#FFPS #FNaF #FNAF #Five #Nights #at #Freddy #Lucky #Unlucky #Helpy #Bonnie #Chica #Foxy #Scrap