I am working on adding achievements, whenever you meet a goal like 100¢ or 10 factories a little box will pop up on screen to congratulate you, with a specific image for the achievement you complete.
Next up
It's official, Cube Game III Is in development.
Let me know features you would like to see in the game!
Ported the 0.0.1 demo to itch.io, you can view the game page here: https://theoddone21.itch.io/coin-clicker-demo
New layout and coin effect.
Hello! This is the official community for the Coin Clicker Game! Feel free to leave suggestions or comments about the game in this community.
New Super Skydiver Early Footage :O
I'm hoping to release the game soon here on GameJolt, and also on Itch.io and Scratch, so be on the lookout for that.
The new 0.3 release add's in employees that produce 1 coin a second, and enterprises that produce 10 coins a second. Now, whenever you buy a factory, employee, or enterprise its price will increase by 25%. Price of factories has decreased 10%.
If you want you can see the games public Trello Board below.
New release! This new demo tweaks coins, now they move up and down instead of spinning. Falling coins now appear when you click the main coin, instead of spawning in randomly. I found a few issues with the gambling power-up that I hope to fix soon.
New Logo :)
Generated by my Maze Generator. (Yes, these are all 100% possible.)