I be gettin them "YOINKS" then them Deep #RainDrops makin all them Hoes quit. LOL LOL #NFL #Madden #NFLMadden22 #LIveStreaming #IndieDev
Next up
Chop Sewy Soup. #livestreaming #streamer #indiedev #gamedev #computerscience #supermannumber1 @ @twitch
HOT DROP. POP. POP. POP. LOL #livestreaming #idiedev #supermannumber1 made by #colbertavision
Gentlemen. I'm here to parteeey. What's Crackin?? LOL
They be like aren't you mad no one supports you ever. LOL NO. I don't be out here cheerin for them neither. We all tryin to get rich I just do the work. #rain made by #colbertavision
TRIPLE KILL #triplekill #TripleKill #LiveStreaming #SupermanNumber1 @ @twitch
They be like I don't believe it till you make money at it.... God's Payments be on another level. #rain
Captain Save A Hoe.... #livestreaming #indiedev #gamedev #worldfamous #programmer #supermannumber1 @ @twitch
Throw me in the #gulag GULAG I'm comin right back out. #livestreaming #supermannumber1 @twitch @twitter
#indiedev #gamedev #programmer #worldfamous
Smackin all them hoes... Smack. Smack. Hoe. LOL #bloodthirsty #BloodThirsty #SupermanNumber1 @ @Twitch #warzone #cod #battleroyal #livestreaming #idiedev #gamedev #programmer
It doesn't matter When you get to the Store; as long as you get to the store. You have to have a dream if you want to live it. #rain