I completed five nights at arias 2 remake (i completed it some days ago XD)but,my first game of the saga completed!
Next up
Photo negative mickey and oswald running
-Made in traditional
Hang girl but with jinjo hair
(This edit is so poorly done)
(old school mallie but altered)
I draw this at paint and looks so terrible at digital and i have to use a notebook for the sketch.
1) the drawing at paint (it looks so pixeled and terrible)
2) the sketch ;)
Merry Christmas! :)
Phone me first by Emilixito completed!
Solo con la tercera coin ;)
Five Nights at Arias is 3 years old (and so the remake), i completely forgot about them and didn't really care that much but i made a late art for 3 years of crappy games
Porque me tiene que pasar esto cuando ya tenia las tres coins :(
Deadlocked 73%.......
Volty (a shadow over villca's)
-hecho en tradicional
No se porque me puse una etiqueta en los dibujos(un apodo alado del dibujo) XD
Birthday boy blam cake decoration(this is a decoration at my birthday day :D)