2 years ago

I completely forgot about this fucking mod



Next up

Update delayed for this song I want to add and poorly yet somehow works well chart, a lot of more stuff that I'm willing to show

i accidentally hit a villager trying to kill a zombie and got sneak attacked by the iron golem that didn't like that

I'm putting way to much work into this dumb song (UPARROWPLZWORK.lua was made because when I went to edit the position of it, it didn't wanna stick, it works now)

im alive still i think

Only focusing on ratings, wasn't hard to do at first, but the Text String was a nightmare to get done, but Rating Percentage works now so now you can see how bad or good you did in the next small update

tank from popular hit duology game series left4dead

Before I forget, thanks to @VictorF0X for making the OG BF variant that I was gonna make for a small update in the future :)

funny ragdoll number 59612417

that cat's name is Reison, not really a nice guy, heard he said something bad to some other cat and got the shit beat out of him, haven't heard or seen him since