RemindAtale Hard mode
4 years ago

I'd appreciate it if you'd report back to me when you've cleared it.



Next up

50% complete. Updates do not add significant content. It will just be a remake.

Maybe it's time to...

I have resumed making updates.

練習モード追加! ターンを突破するか、同じターンで10回死ぬと解放されます!

たくさん練習してNKサンズを攻略しましょう! Practice mode added! It will be released when you break through a turn or die 10 times in the same turn!

Practice a lot and conquer NK Sans!

Currently working on the latest version.

English mode will be removed and only Japanese will be available.

I am making a new game after a long time. Please wait for its completion.

We plan to complete the project within three months.