1 year ago

I did it I 100% A bite at freddys and 5/20 aka Full course, made me almost lose my sanity would not recommend. But I would recommend a bite at freddys and the other challenges. I hope your happy @GarrettMcKay I beat all the challenges.



Next up

I go to school and walk to my first period class AND I FIND THIS!


@Kane will the popgoes plushie be in evergreen. Also will their be more plushies of the other members that are like scotts cute plushie design in evergreen? You know the stubby arms and legs and the big eyes.


As of this moment right now they are playing Jolly Roger Bay in the freaking school office!

Rat Race Production Update

Meet Freddy my newborn Yoshi & Partner. When I first thought of naming my Yoshi after Mr.Fazbear him self would be funny. But if I got be honest he kind of looks like that type of yoshi that would be named freddy. Manily because of how he talks and acts.

Mom I think something's wrong with the weasel


@Kane will the gameplay of the post night sections be similar to fnac 3. What I mean is like how fnac 3 has you looking around a big environment while looking for rat and then looking at him to scare him off. Because that's the vibe I'm getting from this.