2 years ago

I did some stuff with chat gpt (read article)

Judge: "Order in the court! This is the trial of Mr. Smith, who is being charged with theft of a balloon. Mr. Smith, you are accused of stealing a balloon from a local store. How do you plead?"

Mr. Smith: "Not guilty, Your Honor."

Judge: "Very well. Let's proceed with the trial. Prosecution, please call your first witness."

Prosecutor: "Thank you, Your Honor. I call the store owner, Mr. Johnson, to the stand."

Mr. Johnson: "Yes, Your Honor?"

Prosecutor: "Mr. Johnson, can you please tell the court what happened on the day in question?"

Mr. Johnson: "Yes, I saw Mr. Smith take a balloon from the store without paying for it. I approached him and asked him to pay for the balloon, but he refused and ran out of the store."

Prosecutor: "Thank you, Mr. Johnson. Your witness, Defense."

Defense: "Thank you, Your Honor. Mr. Johnson, did you see my client take the balloon or did you just see him with it outside the store?"

Mr. Johnson: "I didn't see him take it, but I saw him leaving the store with it and he didn't pay for it."

Defense: "So, it's possible that he had already paid for it and just forgot to show you the receipt?"

Mr. Johnson: "I suppose that's possible, but I doubt it."

Defense: "Thank you, Mr. Johnson. No further questions, Your Honor."

Judge: "Very well. Prosecution, do you have any other witnesses?"

Prosecutor: "No, Your Honor."

Judge: "Defense, do you have any witnesses you would like to call?"

Defense: "No, Your Honor."

Judge: "Very well. We will now hear closing arguments."

Prosecutor: "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the evidence clearly shows that Mr. Smith stole a balloon from the store. He was caught with the balloon and he did not pay for it. He should be found guilty of theft."

Defense: "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client is being charged with a petty crime for something as small as a balloon. There is no conclusive evidence that he actually stole the balloon. We ask that you find him not guilty."

Judge: "Thank you. Members of the jury, you have heard the evidence and the arguments. It is now up to you to decide whether Mr. Smith is guilty or not guilty of theft of a balloon. Please retire to the jury room and make your decision."

After deliberation, the jury returns to the courtroom and the verdict is read.

Judge: "Has the jury reached a verdict?"

Foreperson: "Yes, Your Honor. We find the defendant, Mr. Smith, guilty of theft of a balloon."

Judge: "Thank you, members of the jury. Mr. Smith, you have been found guilty of theft of a balloon. Sentencing will be on a later date."



Next up

Okay now I seriously dont actually remember making this draft what is this shit what was i on

Woahly shit its my spawnday wahoo

Meet gerald of river, also known as the sandwitcher

gerald is skyrim's ripoff of the witcher, from the game the witcher, the witcher's name is geralt of rivia, read in the article for geralds story

I wrote this all like 2 years ago im sorry

Tick-tock Heavy like a Brinks truck Looking like I'm tip-top Shining like a wristwatch


A strawpage is a website of which you can make your own, like, little website pages and stuff, where you can make secret messages or like list your music and socials, or just do whatever, https://straw.page/draw you can do one here

Hello everybody my name is Montpelier



Rules about the strawpage are on the strawpage

I have big plans for big things that I will probably not do, bigly, but I sure hope I do!

I think I'm ready to play doom eternal. (When I'm old enough)

Me defeating the marauder from doom eternal with the quake 4 weapons on gmod.


Oh its in a ya wishlist now