3 months ago

I do not know what to say.

I do not know what is happening or why it is. There is nothing special about me. I have not posted anything promising, interesting, or even remotely funny. I have no projects I'm working on that I've made publicly available yet. And yet... there it is. That trophy... just sitting in my inbox.

Wow. I don't know what else to say. Just wow. I'm almost speechless. I'll try my best to talk at least a bit though. I suppose the first thing I should say is... thank you.

Thank you for liking my posts, hitting the follow button, and most of all, sticking with me. I have no idea why, but you did, and I can't thank you enough. I'm going through a pretty dark moment in my life currently, at least in terms of mental health. I've repeatedly thought that everything was over and that I was completely worthless so much recently, but somehow, seeing that notification pop up in the bottom right corner of my screen helped just a tiny bit. You took interest in some regular ol' shmuck, and ya stuck with him the whole way through. All of you did, and I couldn't be happier with you. There are a few special ones I'd like to thank in particular though.

Extra special thanks!

@Peveplhrah The person who officially got me to 100. Thank you for clicking that follow button and completing a personal journey for me.

@OneBixGames The developer(s) of Dino's Diner (great looking game by the way you should check it out). They were the first game developer(s) that I actually got to personally interact with on Game Jolt. We never really got close or even talked much or anything, but I still cherish those memories fondly. For years, FNaF fan game developers have kinda been my heroes, and they kinda still are. So many memories of my childhood have been built not only by FNaF, but by FNaF's community. From SFMs, to speed edits, to theory videos, and most of all, to fnaf fan game let's plays. Not only did they build my childhood, but they built me, in a sense. So to be able to personally speak to people who are responsible for those memories is something really special. Unfortunately, those moments felt just too good to me, and as you might see by checking out the Dino's Diner game page, I got a little carried away at times. Stuff like this was very new to me, and I was young and excitable, and therefore, I kinda did a lot of potentially harmful stuff without fully realizing the ramifications of my actions. I mean hell, Game Jolt is technically the first (and to this day, only) social media platform that I've ever used, y'know, socially. None of these are excuses however, they're just explanations. To OneBix, I'm sorry, and I hope your game development journey goes as well as well can be.

@mickey7sussy This person isn't actually that important or meaningful right now, I just think they have a funny name.

@Scandys_TG_ The developer of FNaF: Long-Term Depression, an amazing looking fan game with a bit of a silly name. I've been with them on their journey for a bit now, and I gotta say, they're cooking. It's been amazing watching them develop the game over time and even more special seeing my feedback being taken into account. I hope everything goes great and your fan game becomes remembered with honor. (also i accidentally hit post instead of save draft while writing this part so everything up until now was released earlier than it should have so i had to take it down as fast as possible and everyone still might have been notified and saw it. whoopsies!)

@K_Dev An insanely talented creator who I've actually been able to grow a bit close to. In fact, we've kind of become friends with each other. I followed him because I was interested in my work, thinking nothing of it, when he sent me a friend request soon afterwards. Turns out, he was interested in my posts, and we quickly became friends. He's a really cool guy to be around and can do some awesome stuff. I've been able to get a little sneak peek at what he's working on, and trust me, you're gonna wanna be there for it.

@HeisenbergusS The person who has liked almost every single one of my posts. I have no idea why, but almost every single post I make, it has one like (besides mine), and it's thanks to them. I have no idea why they've been here doing this for so long, but thank you. Seeing the like counter on any of my posts go past 1 is always a special moment.

@G_23 They have a Balloon Boy profile pic, and anyone who's a fellow BB fan should be treated like absolute royalty in my opinion. I see you, G_23, I see you.

Comin in with an edit for an EXTRA extra special thanks: @AndreaFactoryStudios For being the first one to comment on this post! Very Dave indeed. Thank you!

And finally... @EnderD ... the first person who ever followed me. I began with the last person who followed me, so it only makes sense that I would end it here. I have had followers go away, I have had followers decide they were done with me and click the unfollow button, I have had followers leave me... but not EnderD. For some reason, they were there for the very beginning, they WERE the beginning... and then they stuck it through to the very end. Look, if you're somehow reading this, then thank you, from the very bottom of my heart. I may not know you personally, but you mean so much to me. The very beginning of my online presence... is connected to you. It IS you, in a sense. And for that, I feel like you deserve your own epic finale. From the very, very, very, very, very bottom of my heart, and at the top of my lungs...

T H A N K Y O U !

Aaaaand that should be everyone! I wanted to thank these fine folks in particular, but don't worry, all of you are deserving and recieving of some of my dearest, dearest thanks. Well, now to ask the question that has been burning a hole in the minds of AT LEAST two of you.

What now?

Well, to be frank, I'm not totally sure. I kinda feel like I don't really deserve any of you. Again, I haven't really posted anything about my work (except for like maybe 3 or 4 exceptions), and I'm not really sure if I've posted anything interesting, funny, or important either. I kinda feel like I was just given all of you for no reason. So you know what? ... Let's change that. I am going to give all of you a REASON for you to follow me (even if it isn't a particularly strong one). I have actually been working on a lot of stuff in my free time, I just haven't really gone public with much of it. There could be a few reasons why. Fear of embarrasment, fear of bullying, fear of disappointment, and just generally thinking that nothing I'm making is worth showing. I have had quite a bit of social fears and insecurities. That's why I spend most of my time hiding away with people I can trust, rather than interacting with others. So you know what? I'm gonna change that. I'm gonna conquer my fears and social anxiety and be more open publicly now. I'm gonna share more of my work, my emotions, my projects, my ideas, my progress. Who knows, maybe having an audience will encourage and motivate me a bit more. One of the big reasons I haven't been sharing much is because I'm afraid of disappointing people by getting them interested, getting their hopes up, only to fail and give up before I can deliver what they want. Maybe, ironically, an audience cheering me on is what I need to combat that, to actually get my bones moving and FINISH THIS GOD DAMN IT! So, that's what I'm gonna do. I haven't really made it very far in my game development journey, despite all the time I've had. I'm a bit slow and easily overwhelmed. Hopefully though, with the help of somebody else, I can make those steps and actually meander my way across the path to succeed! That's my hope, and I hope that I don't give up. So... I've already said this in my 10 Years at Freddy's post... BUUUUUT... stay tuned! ;)

Oh, and again, THANK YOU FOR 100 FOLLOWERS!



Next up

Man he so goofy

Look at this frickin' Gomez wannabe.

He's not so goofy

Man they even goofier!

Nice and warm


The section with Funtime Freddy in Sister Location was absolutely terrifying to me.

Just displayed absolute dominance over my mom. Let's see you try to take all of THESE from me rookie.

I'm about to turn 15 in a couple months so this is pretty much the last chance I have to post this.

I'm 14 and this is ^

Say hi to the Trary brothers!

The nerdy one is Caleb Trary and the manly one is Calvin Trary.
