2 months ago

I don’t have anything to show so here’s a Julius the cat doodle I did (plus something else)

Second image is kind of loosely related to UT, it’s a crossover AU inspired by those really old ones back in the day. Mousetale was taken so I’ve given it the other title of Thinnertale due to its primary connection being Epic Mickey

okay ramble over. Maybe I’ll make a bigger post about it



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Filler content. Nondescript star thing I doodled for mascot purposes

Finished Napstablook at last

Since it’s June 1st might as well plug, I’m on Artfight this year- Beware this man. Also I can’t change my old handle rip

Napstablook replacement for my weird UT crossover AU. Also I have zero pixel art experience sorry


Mini-dump because why not

so awesome

finally got the funny cyan knives, woo

Redesigned my bravery soul for like the 4th time but it's only a doodle atm

Reposting old Spinswap related thingimajicks