5 years ago

I don't know what to put for the name..

By the way, enjoy this little story. ^^

A little emotional at the start..

"The Death Egg is falling! If we don't hurry, everyone in Mobius will be in great danger! What do we do, Sonic?!" Pikachu asked the blue hedgehog standing beside her with panic in her eyes. Sonic and his friends were at the Death Egg which were 10 times bigger than before. While they're fighting Eggman, he pushed a button that lose the Death Egg's power and will fell to Mobius. Sonic rubbed the back of his head until he got an idea. It will be hard for Pikachu but he had no choice.

"We can still save them." Sonic said while cletching his fist. "You got an idea?" Pikachu asked him. Sonic then hold her hands and looked into her greyish blue eyes. "I love you..I know this will be very hard for you to take but we don't have a choice." He said while looking down. Pikachu's eyes widened getting a guess of his plan. "No..no please! I-I don't want t-to lose y-you! T-there m-must be a-another wa-" She was cutted of by Sonic tilted her chin to looked at his emerald eyes that she always get lost.

To Pikachu's suprise, the blue male hedgehog's eyes were covered in alittle tears but he hold it back. They then wrapped their arms around and hugged eachother. Pikachu sniffled. "Sonic...there must be another way...I don't want to lose someone I loved the most.." "I know Pikachu," Sonic gazed in her eyes softly. "But, we don't have a choice. I need to do it whatever it takes. For the sake of Mobius." He said cletching his fist and put it on his chest. He then looked at Pikachu one last time and kissed her forehead. "I love you and don't forget that. Now, smile for me." He said, winking and did his signature smile. Pikachu then gave him a small smile. They letted go as Sonic went to his super form. "Goodbye, Pikachu." He smiled at her and teleported out of the Death Egg. "W-wha- S-sonic NOO!!!" Pikachu pressed her face on the glass and pounded at it. Nebula quickly ran to her and confort her with tears running down her cheeks.

"Nebula! Let me go! I need to go save him! LET ME GO!!" Pikachu screamed but her best friend still hugged her tightly.

And that, her boyfriend sacrifised his life. For his friends. For his family. For his girlfriend. For Mobius.


Pikachu jolted up from her bed in a cold sweat. Another nightmare of the night. Pikachu then took a deep breath and looked at the locket beside her heartbeat. She opened it revealing a picture of Sonic kissing her cheek that Tails secretly took. She clentched the necklace tightly a tear started running down to her cheeks. Her phone suddenly chimed.

Pikachu looked at the phone to see Amy sended her a text message. It says,

"Pikachu, please come back. We're really worried about you. Even Shadow started to worry about you."

Pikachu sighed and ignored the text. It's been a month after Sonic's sacrifised. Her friends tried their best to cheered her up but nothing works. The only person who know how to cheer her up is Sonic.

Pikachu then gotted up and went into the bathroom. She opened the shower and let the water wet her blue quills. After wetting herself with water, she get dressed with her favourite grey jacket, put her hoodie on and went out of the house for a walk.

Pikachu went on a sigh-seeing on the town looking at the stalls, the mobians smilling happily on one another. Her eyes stopped at a couple together reminding about her and Sonic. She shook her head and walked to through the town.

She stopped at a lonely park and sat down on the grass. Nature always calmed her down but this time it didn't work. She growled when suddenly she heard a laugh behind her. Pikachu got up and looked at Eggman.

"Well well well. Nice to see you here, Pikachu!" Eggman said cheerfully. "...." The hedgehog stayed silent. "Not much of a talker are you? Well, good thing you're alone because," He stopped at mid sentence and pressed a button, revealing loads of giant robots around Pikachu. "Now no one can save you! Not Nebula, not your friends and not your BOYFRIEND!" Eggman laughed evilly but then stopped when he realized he just said the word "boyfriend." A beads of sweat went down to his face when he saw Pikachu looking down while cletching her fist hard.

She had enough. She couldn't stand Eggman anymore. Part of her would just kick his butt untill he became a scarmble egg. But a part of her still controlling the anger. She couldn't keep it anymore. The hedgehog looked up and gave him the coldest glare making the doctor to back away his EggMobile alittle.

"You...if you didn't do that stupid thing of yours, this would never happened. I wouldn't be like this." Pikachu stopped as her greyish blue eyes started to became dark. Her blue quills also became darker. Anger suddenly snapped in her. "And..I wouldn't lose HIM. BECAUSE OF YOU I LOSE SONIC!!!" She screamed as her dark form was unleashed..

She then without mercy destroyed all the robots with one hit but one quickly grabbed her and threw her to a wall hard. Pikachu's friends were nearby and heard all of it. They then ran to the sound and saw the dark blue hedgehog slowly standing up. "T-that's n-not M-miss P-pikachu r-right, M-miss N-nebula?" Cream asked Nebula and hid behind her. Nebula looked at Pikachu with a worried look. "I'm afraid yes, Cream.."

Suddenly a bright light blinded everyone's vision. The bright light slowly fade revealing a yellow hedgehog destroying the robot that hitted Pikachu. The hedgehog finally destroyed it and went to Eggman's Eggmobile. "Hey Egghead. Long time no see. Did ya miss me?" The hedgehog smirked at the doctor who was flabbergasted. "I-it couldn't be..." Eggman stuttered. The hedgehog then chuckled. "Guess it's time for you to get back to your nest. See ya, Doctor Eggman". And with that, the hedgehog rolled into a ball and spindashed the Eggmobile making it to be sended away. The yellow hedgehog slowly flew down as he became his normal blue fur. Tails' eyes widened as a tear went down to his cheek. "S-sonic...you're b-back!" The fox then hugged his brother tightly. Sonic chuckled and rubbed his back. "Of course I am. Now, I need to calm down Pikachu." He said as Tails nodded and went back to the gang. Sonic slowly went to the dark hedgehog who was glaring at him. Pikachu wasn't herself. The dark form took full control of her body meaning she didn't have a memory with Sonic. With anybody.

"Pikachu...i-it's me Sonic...didn't you remember?" Sonic said slowly walking to her and putted a hand on her shoulder. She flinched and threw his hand away from her shoulder. "I know you're still there.." Sonic said in a soft voice. "...." The female hedgehog stayed silent and punched Sonic in the stomach making him to fall to the ground in pain. Nebula was about to help Sonic but he stopped her and gave her a small smile. He then slowly got up and hugged Pikachu tightly which made her flinched again. Sonic let go of her and sighed.

"In the night light, do you see what you dream?
All your troubles, are they all what they seem?"

Sonic started singing. Pikachu's glare then soften. She was fighting the dark form.

"Look around you, then you may realize
All the preachers, all with their lies
And I might know of our future
But then you still control the past
Only you know if you'll be together
Only you know if we shall last"

Pikachu's legs started shaking. She then punched Sonic again. He hold his stomach in pain but still continue.

"In the night light, do you still feel your pain?
For the valor you waited never came
If you were able, would you go change the past
To mend a faux pas with one last chance?"

Sonic putted his hand on her shoulder again. This time Pikachu didn't flinched. He gave her a small smile.

"And I might know of our future
But then you still control the past
Only you know if you'll be together tonight"

Pikachu's eyes and quills started to became normal. She then continued.

'Cause every night, I will save your life
And every night, I will be with you'

Sonic's smile started to became bigger as they both continued.

'Cause every night, I still lay awake
And I dream of an absolution'

The others looked at them as they teared up alittle. Feeling happy of the two hedgehog's reunion.

'Cause every night, I will make it right
And every night, I will come to you
But every night, it just stays the same
In my dream of an absolution'

The two hedgehog stopped singing and hugged eachother tightly. "I'm sorry for leaving you.." Sonic said as they let go. Pikachu then rested her forehead on the blue hedgehog's forehead as he did the same. "It's alright I already forgived you long ago.." Pikachu smiled. For a month he's gone. She almost lose hope for believing he will be back. But now here he is kissing her cheek.

"Alright that's enough you two lovebirds." Amy said as their friends then squished Sonic and Pikachu in a bear hug. "Aw man we miss ya so much! Knuckles said while lifting everyone up. Sonic smiled.

"I miss you guys too."

Done! Sorry it's too long..and I don't have any song ideas so I just take 'Dreams of Absolution. Sorry Silver.

Silver: It's alright! Buttt....you have to make a fanfic of me and Bl-

Me: No.

Silver: Aww why not?

Me: Those people out there are going to kill me if I did that.


Me: That's different.

Silver: IT'S THE SAME!

Me: Whatever, Silv. *rolls eyes*



Next up

Working on something my younger self would love to have! :)

“You turn on the light”

(They’re Pikachu and Nebula if u can’t tell)

“Indahnya sungguh di hari Raya”

Late Raya art trade with @Al_creativelylazy !! Really sorry for doing my part late -

I literally whipped up the bg from Google

Crystal The Hedgehog - @PikachuTheHedgehog

A little confession is that I had to trace the wolves but I drew the others on my own 🙏🙏

Nebula The Hedgehog - @PikachuTheHedgehog

Something unfinished for #WorldArtDay

Almost finish with a wip!

I need to stop cause it’s getting late and I ran out of ideas for a background jsjsjs

Me and @PikachuTheHedgehog has made another name for William Afton!


Fanart for someone on Insta