6 years ago

I don't understand one thing... #fanart

Why is the gamejolt actually putting in “Featured” some of kind of bad or easy stuff to make, when i making a teaser, that tooks almost 2 hours to make and +collab with @Na3ar4ik, it’s just getting ignored… :/ That’s actually making me sad a little… So i gonna upload it here again, maybe somebody will see me? And, i’m not the one, but i think, that gamejolt need to look at the better stuff to put it in “Featured”. But i also think, that i’m only one who is actually sad to see that is “Featured” is getting bad… (And then i’m not gonna be in the featured once again) And i’m not saying that ALL of the are bad, or say that a new developers making it bad, i just don’t understand, why the new developers, that can’t make good stuff, teasers and more, why is it going here? (I think, i’m getting hate from that post lol) And, i saw a lot of good pixel artists, and they gets ignore, even if they made something better then me. Why gamejolt…
Why is this in featured?


I don’t mean that this is terrible, but it’s not a level of getting Featured actually, and then you will say that my actually pixel art skills… Are also terrible, that it’s never gonna be in the “Featured”. But at least it’s better then this :/ The same thing with every GJ Community. In undertale, random image from google with bad quality.


In sonic… I have no comments here.


In pokemon one… Is actually good. The same with Space Funeral. It’s normal. But… What happend to the FNAF, UNDERTALE and SONIC community…

But the way, thanks for reading this… Have a good day!



Next up

Featured page is dead, now i need to make a lot of tags :DDD #fanart #letsplay #question #guide #cosplay #fnaf #gamejolt #wow #thanksfor160followerstho


a new battle xd

Rat Race Production Update

k wt- we did it again xd


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

gg gamejolt.