2 years ago

I dont know where to post this but i need to get this out somewhere

Why is it that when we come out to someone especially a baptist christian THEIR FIRST REACTION IS TO SAY ITS AGAINST MY RELIGION SO I CANT SUPPPORT IT. idk im just so tired of having to deal with it yk? (edit 1 i recently recevied this from a close friend) EDIT 2 : (I myself christian specially methodist so no hate to any religion i am vent frustration about southern baptist beliefs)



Next up


Happy Trans Day of Visibility!

We ❤️ all of our trans Jolters.

Makeup i did for worship today

(it was colorful night)

(i worked hard pls dont let this flop)

2/5 stickers done!


shitty fanart for @PaperBaggy u r a cool kid tho

hE iS aNgRy

Felt silly today (tags in article! Check these folks out!)


ive cried so much today (friday is 5 years since my dad died and my grandma is probably gonna pass tn so.....)