7 days ago

I drew Jackie on @EMBERMOUSE 's white board thingy.

Here's the link to the white board thingy.




Next up

My cat is watching me play PvZ Garden Warfare.

She's been laying like that for half an hour.

I drew Flibo from Bugsnax.

I'm getting my Mom to play Bugsnax today. I'll comment down below on wether she likes it or not.

Hey everyone, Phisnom is doing a Charity Live Stream. If you watch the live stream Phisnom will donate money to the Charity, he will donate 1$ per viewer at the end of the stream. So if you can, please watch the live stream.


I tried using water color pencils.

I like using them, but it's a little messy if you screw it up like I did with the fourth one.

I drew an Eggler from Bugsnax.

I'm thinking about getting my mom to play Bugsnax, I haven't told her it's story yet.

The follow of 78.

I'm sorry that I made this.

I will probably never draw my character like this again.

I was just minding my own business, playing Unpacking, I look over and see my cat staring at me like this.

Found my cat admiring my Christmas presents.

Or the game I'm playing.

Here, take a new cat character I made.

My real cat found something in my room, I don’t know what it is.

I'll probably make a comic to introduce this new character, eventually.

Random drawing of Bill Cypher I made.

I don't remember drawing it though.