The horror engine pretty much has been mistreated allot, and only very few fangames actually used it properly. I want my game to not look rough or anything, so I will try to keep everything very related.
If you are wondering "What on earth happened to the work from those teaser images?", well @Gravity_FU- has them, I could not open them due to me losing that engine version needed, (THANKS TO EPIC GAMES...) but its very easy to port the game to a different UE4 version. Heck, you could even change it to UE5! But I dont like UE5 because it makes everyones Pc lag, and UE5 doesnt allow you to use the Universal Unreal Unlocker. (Yes I am a hacker)
But this new map is surely very decent, because of the given fact you have a proper player. + Interactable assets! Heck I even made a new best friend :)