I forgot to share this... Next wednesday, on my Twitch... :)
Next up
A huge wave of news is approching... Next month...
The Aesthete's Heart Studio needs your help!
Due to the recent events with MaFa, we need new animators & concept artists. But of course, anyone is welcome to enter! Good luck for you all! :D
Aesthete's Heart Studio Proudly Presents... The Biggest Announcement of 2024!
Quick update about myself: Yes, i'm doing fine, it is just university consuming all of my time. Aesthete's Heart Studio (both Youtube & Discord) and Diversified aren't dead. Meanwhile, I made these pixel arts I did just for fun. I will see you all soon.
More progress on the Player's House stage. btw PvZ CI Itch.io gamepage exists now. https://marine69.itch.io/pvzcity
Aesthete's Heart Studio News!
A new zombie for Summer-day! Cellphone zombie! Every 8 seconds he stuns 2 random plants for 12 seconds
Новый зомби для локации Лето-день! Зомби с телефоном! Каждые 8 секунд он оглушает 2 случайных растения на 12 секунд
Detailed information about this tomorrow...