7 months ago

I found it strange why my post hasn't been published and when I goin' to check it's set to be released on 9/4



Next up


I couldn't let this collab pass, I wanted to warm up my meat a bitty here and I reckon it's overdone!

I smell something good in the air, folks....

Meeeaattt ~~

We're rockin' , @ThePinkGlitch

I'm not a big fan of #GJAsks but....

So... A favorite hero? Hmmmmmm.... What do ya think of "this guy"? Not a normal guy... A DOOM GUY! Yep.... He's my BIG HERO! I wish I could go around punchin' some demons like him....

Howdy Pals!

I'm here makin' a new drawing for ya and with a lore of my universe!

Lemme explain a lil' 'bout what happened to me this week


Workin' on the second pack of my Oc's! This time there won't be a vote 'cause WE HAD A DRAW!

So I'll bring ya a very sweet and kind girl from this universe!

It's almost like a fairy tale


Tomorrow.... Will be an INCREDIBLE DAY! It was the birth of an incredible and warm person in our lives


I never imagined that the day would come! I'm really looking forward to it!

Audience view from the show 😃😃

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GY!!! *Soul and Julie shout*

Then our old lady here turns 300!! How is this fossil still going strong like this!

I'm sure this cowgirl was riding dinos long before my dad!

Who is already an old man like her.


I'm already cookin' up some ideas for the stickers and soon they'll be ready to use in March!!

[Some sneak peaks as a taste !! ]

See ya! Partners!

Take this NEW PACK fresh out of the oven!!!

When ya have problems to leavin' the old program for the new one.... Yep! That's me!

WHAT A THING! Why I'm sooo afraid of usin' a program like Photoshop.... I've never understood that... Maybe it's the number of tools in it.