13 hours ago

i giggled . I’ll list as many as I can think of rn

1xhider (hider x 1x1x1x1) - hider. i think of 1x tried they’d accidentally dig it’s claws into the orange

creationcasino (hybrid x chance) - hybrid would TRY but fail so horrifically they’d cry on the floor. so chance would peel one for them

starburger (aster x 007n7) - would probably alternate between the two . Yeah

mafialackie (lackie x mafioso) - are there oranges in the dream world? idk. would probably alternate between the two as well

skypaint (paintball x windforce) - paintball says they could but in reality they use a knife to peel it. windforce could but she might accidentally crush the orange sometimes

crosswordpuzzle (crossword x puzzles) - crossword. full stop. puzzles would not be trusted with anything throwable around crossword. Crossword Will get the orange stuck onto his antenna

moonstone (ann x raphael) - ann? obviously? i think if raphael even tried to peel an orange it would immediately get crushed with how giant his claws are

hax0r666 (hax0r x guest666, tr:ud) - prooobably hax0r? i dont think either of them would like oranges though. shrugs

ok that’s all i can think of . https://flashthacat.straw.page Ask more questions abt oc x canon blehhhhh



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@sunnelliot hi

this doesn’t mean i don’t like the new mafioso design but i really wish they added more to the design… like the design it was based off of .

Have u guys seen this yet

Ohhhhhh Wiwi

i will say: i based zar a biiiit off of dragonscale from objectified. both are raider/bandit leaders respectively (although zar isn’t rlly a leader. She’s just the oldest out of all of them)…. she was gonna have similar lore to dragonscale as well

uhhhhhhhh anyways gn!

ok everyone meet zar. she’s the oldest in her raider group (around 38) and she has a beautiful butch girlfriend . Smiles