2 months ago

I got Withered Benjie, Dead-Wire, and Par Par's death screen done! Still got like, a lot more things to do!



Next up

a little thing for LT: LB >:)

updated Voyagers Fear 2 Night range times

The Voyagers Fear 2 office is so damn good! Just gotta add some things and it's done!

A little thing

A little thing I decided to do with the camera and make it into a teaser >:)

C a s t I n g C a l l i s W a n t e d

I need 20 more voice actors for my game, so leave a comment or shout to act on it. (I need help other than my real-life friends acting.)

Also, a teaser/prologue game is coming.

working on the jumpscares of Voyagers Fear 2