we should be able to fight more than 1monster in fight with double attack
-monster should have more than on attack cause it boring
-monster in the CORE pls
-add a suvival mode the more fight you win the stronger the monster get and at the end you get g and exp for the number of monster you kill and every 10 to 20 fight (you choose how much) you fight a boss in random order and the survival mode available at lv 20 (that is optionnel )
-a sans boss fight at the judment hall at lv 20 or more a HARD boss pls
-more way to get undercoin
-a way farm G faster like a g multplier or a room or a item to buy
-and for the love of god add more enmy to the other zone for waterfall hotland core and darkworld cause there are more than 2 or 3 monster in here
thank you for you time
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