What is a shadow demon?
A shadow demon is your shadow but it’s made up of all the bad thing you do, it can be imagined in anyway. Like for example my oc has no eyes, while my oc’s shadow demon has multiple eyes all over it. Your shadow demon likes to haunt you with all the bad things you do by screaming it at you, no one else can hear this but you because it’s your shadow demon.
here is a drawn example of a shadow demon

you don’t have to go my route ( please don’t) I want to see what you make up for your shadow demon. ( the second image was a collaboration thing with @Tylerboi
as said your shadow demon can be imagined in anyway possible. Originally I wasn’t gonna have this as like someone wins sort of contest but I will choose 5 winners and 3 runner ups or whatever they are called. This contest ends on By the end of March. If you decided to accept this challenge, good luck! And I can’t wait to see what you guys make! If you have anymore questions just ask.