14 hours ago

I have created an unnecessary community for a game that's gonna take ages to come out



Next up

Having strep throat fucking sucks

Never go to bed without turning on a fan or ac first, worst mistake of my life

Damn this is what my old grizzly model used to look like almost 2 years ago, vs my current patrick model (which is based off of grizzly slightly)

I have the worst headache ever

I'm planning to 3d print some upgrades for my transfomers legacy menasor figure. With him having a more "accurate" chest plate and a longer sword. Also I hope the measurements i made were accurate

I'm REALLY in the mood to work on Pom Pom's for absolutely NO reason

Well, since I'm feeling less depresso expresso I'm probably (most likely) gonna start working on this horrific mistake of game

That one nightlight on my nightstand

I once had a dream where I failed a test so badly I got a J-

What the freak is a J-??