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Yep, love this...
Where is TSFACP at the moment? [04.08.2023]
I'm now working on a new game: a successor to Cold Massacre!
I'm about halfway through stage 6, which will be so massive that I had to have a savepoint in the middle. :P
TSFACP devlog [10.08.22]
Just got finished with the miniboss for stage 6! Not gonna reveal what this miniboss is though, you gotta see for yourself... ;)
Still working hard on the game, despite university! :)
Finally revamped the atrocious options menu that TSFACP had. Before the keybinds were locked away in another screen and you had to click the "in-game controls" text to access it, now everything is on the same screen and it's just generally way smoother!
New Devlog! [05.01.2023]
We at @Nithriotto_Games have made a game together! It's called "The killer who may or may not be a moron." and it's- hmm.. sorry, it's just..this is a very emotional and important moment for me. It's just that this game means so much you know?
TSFACP devlog [28.10.2022]