Hi guys !
After “The Dark Lab” was out, I didn’t expect to have your attention that much, despite of the fact it’s a very short sequence, a demo of concept.
I took a break and made some experiments on different engines and released “Tough Flight” on AppStore as a result. Which you can try out now, for free. Although, a lot of people would mistaken this with “Flappy Bird” style but it’s not.

This game is actually about choices between:
“playing safe and not being recognized”
or “taking risk to earn something”.
Why ?
Because, you can fly very slow and just Tap to dodge the cargo ship, which can easily earn you high score.
But that score will never be “Recognized” if you never take risk flying fast to “Supersonic Mode”. Which by then, save your record to leaderboard in GameCenter, and your own record too !
This is when the game really have its meaning : you take chance to earn more scores or to save all scores you earned !
Anyway, hope you enjoy the game, with my right intention, but otherwise, let’s wait for my next game in “Dark Lab” sequence style :D
Thank you all !