1 year ago

I have made a couple choices for Lucid.

1: Lucid will NOT use diagonal movement. I wanted to add it but have decided against it for multiple reasons. I may change my choice later but I'm not fully sure.

2: The Lucid OST will be on the gamepage and on Bandlab if you wanna listen there: - this is the profile of my friend on Bandlab who is helping with it. Please do not spam him on details for Lucid as he does not know much so your best bet is me for info.

3: I am going to try and share a video here showing off what I've been working on and sharing my thoughts during development. a video should come out every Saturday and it may be something big, it may be something small. and if there's no video, I have either not been working on Lucid much and have nothing to show due to other projects, or I am working and anything I could show is major spoilers.

These are all very important choices for me as they affect your experience and my way of working. I'll see ya Saturday!



Next up

Lucid - Devlog No. 11

[Devlog in Article]

Since the Temple of Realms takes a LOT of inspiration from my beliefs I get to explore some interesting ideas and concepts! Here's one, a parody of

"The Creation of Adam".

i forgot to change the status. should be downloadable now.

Lucid - Demo Trailer!

Icon Update

Updated a couple and added some new ones. Big devlog coming in early March.

Some custom icons I'm working on. Two are for spells, one is for the "Guard" command.

i put all a lie from guidance on my phone.

now i just need to put the madness within v3 on my phone.

why does he look like that in his field sprite

Only the LinkInc OGs understand this.