10 months ago

I have returned and only one thing to say

-I'm here to finish what I started(Read Article)

This will be the Final break that I have before I completely depart from this website entirely. I'm currently in 11th Grade and need to start focusing on pursuing my education. Though after Highschool I'll be active from time to time, it won't be long before I completely disappear. And with this topic here are the games that I plan to finish before 2026

-Sandu's Ultimate Custom Night(For @SanduArnaut )

-The Entirety of the "StickMiah's Fun Place Series"(2/5 Finished)

-StickMiah's Custom Night Chaos(Will probably be the last game finished)

-StickMiah's House

-Jay's Shorts

-Five Nights at Sonic's Bad Edition 2(Depends on motivation)


It will certainly be a long ride but I am determined to get all of these done. In the meantime, expect progress from Sandu's UCN. -Jay



Next up


premiering soon.

edit: uploading bugged for whatever reason.

progress for the game will continue tomorrow.

All cameras are done. progress is going really well.

well... today is my birthday

recharge the generator.

Happy Birthday @SanduArnaut !

cameras. i tried to make them look similar to the ones from the original FNASM1.

I have risen.

DEMO is out

go to play it.