
4 years ago

I have the intro credits and menu done :D doesn't it look so cool? There's so much special features to!

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@Destroyer120 , aka-guy-with-more-followers-than-me, is making the Ink sans overworld sprite for the game so credit to him and thanks again :)

Phase 1 sprite

this has to be the most polished sprite in the world


noelle joined

Error sans and Ink sans battle sprites

Wheel of Misfortune

Ink overworld sprite

(use freely but credits are appreciated and don't claim I stole it from you because I'll saw your face off)

SwapDustDust Papyrus and Sans'

*Papyrus 999ATK 999DEF

*He's ready

*Sans' Ghost 1ATK 1DEF

*He's still trying to get Papyrus' to change his ways...


Sans in the void