14 hours ago

i just beat chapter 5 of bendy, i REALLY enjoyed the game even if it there were a couple fetch quests here n there (cough cough chapter 3) but other than that it was very fun, mini-review in article
(also i'll try my best to 100%, currently at 49%)

first off, the updates that the previous chapters were given makes them SO much better and visually appealing, gameplay wise they haven't changed THAT much but still

the graphics are one of the things i absolutely ADORE about this game, they are so creative and well-made that i'm actually glad the walkspeed is so slow so i can take my time and appreciate the enviorment (even if it got a little bland at chapter 5)

the bossfights were pretty good, my favorite was bertrum since it was quite surprising to see the carousel get more and more aggresive the further you damage it, HOWEEEEVER, the ost i'm not the biggest fan of as i think it could've been slightly better, it isn't brought to its fullest potential (i would've wanted absolute bangers, although the fact that fanmade bendy songs appear on radios was a really surprising occurance, i was surprised when hearing "build our machine", my favorite bendy song, in the chapter 2 radio! also just saying check out ava g's animation on build our machine because it has a really unique art style, kind of what i'd want to do if i learn digital drawing)

the gameplay is alright, there is a LOT of backtracking sometimes and also fetch quests (chapter 3 is literally just that), but other than that i quite enjoyed the gameplay, can be quite fun at times when there's enemies around, but i TRULY do wish the ink demon appeared way more often in the sections where he prevents camping, would've made him an actual threat

about the ink demon, i do believe he wasn't used that much in the game, i do get he's supposed to be like a "myth" that everyone in the studio fears, but still

the characters were all really good, my favorite is the ink demon, his design has always been SO cool to me and paired with his name that outright says he's a demon makes him perfect

the lore is probably my biggest problem with this game, it would've been WAY better if it wasn't a cycle. just that single change would've made the lore a lot better (i also think the game ended kind of early, characters like allison and tom didn't get much time to stick around unlike boris)

enough yapping as i said this would be a short review, overall i REALLY enjoyed this game and i'm looking forward to getting 100% completion.

i give batim a solid 9/10! thanks for reading, i've had so much fun playing this game after waiting for so many years!



Next up

@Peripherals has FINALLY released the new (and actually good!) version of Darkest Nights at Fazbear's, please go support and play the game as it has been in development for quite a long time!

Made special art just for the release!


i (nightbear) may be in the wrong place just MAY be

i accidentally found these 3 year old drawings of mine (only REAL ones will remember these, geniunely)

Ordinary, unremarkable day...

i FINALLY got bendy after years of me wanting to play it, if you didn't know yes i am quite a bendy fan im EXCITED

screenshots i took while playing chapter 1, i clicked select chapter instead of new game on accident so my progress didn't save after i beat ch1, but its fine i can do it again since i missed the bacon soup achievement

happy 10th anniversary fnaf 3, i don't really have anything else to show so have this drawing (it's not finished yet, also yes it is related to fnaf 3 cause it's springbonnie,,,)

did chapter 2 aswell, my laptop was BURNING near the end but here's some cool screenshots i took of ink demon

forgot to give updates as a lot has happened today so i've been quite busy, but i've completed bendy ch3 and 4, heres some screenshots i took

aaaand another one