I just recently got into Subnautica, and wow, every minute has been a blast!
Here's the very first base I started making, trying to figure out how things go together. Notice the vertical pipe on the glass tube? =P
What are some of your base creations?
Next up
I'm 27 hours into this game and only now realized that some armor changes your stats... whoops
This must be a joke
Presenting, the latest Subnautica breathing pack and multi-purpose tool!
fork knife
Wow, congratulations to us all for reaching 100 members! I hope you have all been exploring safely, bringing extra batteries, and being careful of your hull integrity. Thanks for sharing all your moments with us, and we're looking forward to seeing more!
Anyone else excited to play Stray?! I know I am. 🐈
(game link in article)
Stream Recap - Returnal (PS5)
Watch along and panic with my past-self while I go through one of the scarier parts of the stream.
Here's Some gameplay of Subnatica because why not
Stream Recap - Returnal (PS5)
Boss fight! I haven't fought many bosses in this game yet, but this one has been my favorite so far. Crazy music, super hectic, and an overwhelming amount of projectiles.