I just released the full version of SNAG Nightmares with Oliver. I've put a lot of time into this game so I hope you enjoy it.
Next up
SNAG: Nightmares With Oliver DEMO has just been published, I hope you enjoy the scare :) https://gamejolt.com/games/snagnightmareswitholiverearlyaccess/6… #fnaf #fnaffangame #fangame
Quick Update: I have finished nights 1 - 5, however for some reason I cannot beat night 5 at this time, and even worse I ended up dying at 5 AM most of the time. In spite of that, I believe I will beat it soon and work on night 6.
Alright, everything is done. Depending on what happens, I'm going to publish the full game tomorrow or new years day. Thanks to everyone for following up with my updates on this game page, and I hope you'll play the game ( hopefully ) tomorrow. #fnaf
The game has officially been published today, and I will work on a trailer soon. To celebrate, this is the first ever drawing of the main antagonist made a month ago.
Rat Race Production Update
the 2nd game in the SNAG series: Nightmares with Oliver DEMO coming out on December 20, 2021! [ I'm so sorry that I am announcing this now; it was supposed to be announced 2 days ago, but I was so into the game development. ]
The Future of the SNAG series { Please read if you care }
Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!
Beginning of a new era. #fnaf #fnaffangame